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School age youth and adults are welcomed and encouraged to serve as Acolytes at Church of the Holy Comforter. Acolytes serve during the Sunday morning worship service at 10:00 a.m. They participate in a variety of duties to assist in our worship, including the following:

  • 1st Crucifer – carries the cross leading the procession. Also assists the celebrant at the Altar for the Eucharist.

  • 2nd Crucifer – carries the cross following the choir and leading the LEM’s, Lector, Gospel Bearer and the priest in the procession. Also carries the offering plates and the bread and wine during the service.

  • Torch Bearers – are used during special services – Christmas Eve, Easter, Baptisms and Confirmation. They follow the 1st Crucifer in the procession and during the gospel procession.

  • Gospel Bearer – carries the Gospel Book in the procession and during the Gospel procession. Also holds the Gospel Book for the priest for the reading of the Gospel.

  • Thurifer – carries the Thurible with incense during High Holy Services such as Christmas Eve and Easter.

We offer Acolyte training twice a year for all acolytes. Typically before the Christmas Eve services and before Holy Week at Easter. We also offer individualized training for new Acolytes. These sessions are run by our Acolyte Master, Steven Speaks.


LEMs were at one time called “Chalice Bearers.”  These people administer the chalice of wine to those taking communion during the Eucharist. LEMs must be confirmed members of the congregation and be approved by the rector. For more information, please contact the rector.


 A lector is someone who reads the scripture lessons and the prayers of the people during the Eucharist. Each Sunday, one lector wears vestments and sits with the choir and altar party. One lector comes from the congregation and wears street clothes. Lectors can be of any age. The only requirement is that they can read clearly. If interested, please contact the office.

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"Almighty God, grant we beseech thee, that we may handle holy things with reverence, and perform our work with such faithfulness and devotion that it may rise with acceptance before thee and obtain thy blessing, through Christ our Lord. Amen."


The work of the Altar Guild is instrumental to the liturgy of the congregation (literally the "work of the people"). We work closely with clergy in carrying out all the responsibilities necessary to prepare for our services of worship. Most of the work of the Altar Guild centers around preparations on Saturday, and on setting out the needed items for celebrating the Eucharist on Sunday mornings, and on cleaning them after worship. The work of the Altar Guild is not limited to Saturdays and Sundays, however, but is important to the worship of the church during the week, and at weddings, baptisms, funerals, and other services.


We are currently organized into five groups: four groups which rotate week by week, and one group which focuses on preparing weekday services. We also organize the groups   who clean and prepare the altar linens.

If you are interested in assisting with this ministry, please contact Dabney McKenzie,

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The Flower Guild is responsible for arranging the altar flowers for the 10:00 a.m. service. The Guild also decorates the church during special events and maintains a sign up sheet for weekly flower donations. If you would like to join the Flower Guild or would like to learn more about this ministry, please contact Roy Paul.

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The Episcopal Church
of the Holy Comforter

2911 Woodley Road
Montgomery, Alabama 36111
(334) 281-1337      

9AM - 3PM, mon.-thurs.

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Tuesday, 9:30AM-Noon
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©2024 by Holy Comforter Episcopal Church

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