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Have you visited our garden lately? The cucumbers are off and running. The tomatoes are staked and climbing. The peppers are abundant and the squash is showing off. There are even blueberries on our bushes! It is gratifying to know that our experiment in gardening provides healthy food for hungry people.


As our garden continues to flourish, soon it will be harvesting time, and we as a church community will inch closer to our goal of providing fresh produce and expanding our healthy choice offerings to our food pantry clients. Healthy foods, when purchased retail, are expensive compared to the more common packaged foods. We already strive to provide fresh produce for our families, when it is available, but there is always a critical need to increase the amount of fresh produce available for distribution to our clients. Our garden makes this happen.


Expansion plans are underway with the award of a grant from the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama. Plans for a winter garden are beginning to take shape. With your help, the dream of a year-round garden is soon to become a reality. Calling all gardeners, we need you!

Holy Comforter Community Garden

In 2022, the HC Community Garden once again harvested hundreds of pounds in an assortment of vegetables. Unlike in 2021, all the produce we harvested was

provided to our Food Pantry program and greatly appreciated by the neighbors who received organically grown produce tended to with loving care by Jean Murray,

Dabney and Rick McKenzie, and Roy Paul. 

This is the perfect example of what it means to ask that 'being blessed we may bless."



June - November 2022


 bell pepper 16.5 lb, collards 4 lb, okra 69 lb,

squash 5 lb, tomato 10.5 lb, turnip greens 3 lb

totaling 202 lb donated to the Food Pantry



To the community garden ministry team: Thank you!!!!!


Community Garden 2023, please consider volunteering a couple of hours a month, we can always use an extra set of hands watering or pulling weeds.

You can now make a contribution with your cell phone
    text HCGIVE
to ph#  73256

click button below

Holy Comforter Episcopal shield

The Episcopal Church
of the Holy Comforter

2911 Woodley Road
Montgomery, Alabama 36111
(334) 281-1337      

9AM - 3PM, mon.-thurs.

food pantry words sun small.png

Tuesday, 9:30AM-Noon
more information

©2024 by Holy Comforter Episcopal Church

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