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Parish Life

We have core principles that guide our work.

  • ​Everyone is welcome, appreciated, and valued. And, we really do mean everyone;

  • God calls us to minister to those who are hungry or in need. We address this with our food pantry and community garden.

  • Spiritual growth happens best in the community. We genuinely like each other. We sing together. We eat together. We pray together.

  • There is enough judgment in the world. In Christ, there is no condemnation. There isn’t any here either.

Don’t worry about how you are dressed, or how much faith you have, or don’t have. Bring your doubts, fears, and questions. We’ll walk with you, wherever you are on your faith journey, because we are all on that journey, too.

What to expect 

At the heart of all Episcopal worship is the Book of Common Prayer, and within it, the principal weekly service is the Holy Eucharist—also known as Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, or Mass.

​For each Christian season, the Book of Common Prayer lays out the form of the service and provides the text for many of the prayers.

A calendar of Scripture readings, called the “Lectionary,” indicates biblical passages to be read each day. These are the same throughout the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion, so on any given day, someone around the clock and around the globe will be reading the same Scripture. Typical services include scripture readings, prayers, hymns, and a sermon. The congregation participates in worship—singing hymns and saying the prayers, the Creed (a statement of our beliefs), and responding, reading, or singing the Psalms (sacred poems).

Whether to kneel, sit, or stand, say "Amen," sing or respond can be a bit of a puzzle for newcomers (and often for Episcopalians visiting a different church). But because the essential form of the service remains the same from one Sunday to the next, you soon will begin to experience what Episcopalians find so satisfying: the mental space that the familiar rhythm opens up in which each person can commune more profoundly with God.​

(Modified from The Episcopal Diocese of Texas)

We hope you visit us soon!

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